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The importance of sense realizing every moment in your life and being thankful (Школьные сочинения)

Today I’ve decided to write my thoughts about this topic. Sometimes I understand that days fly so fast and it makes me sad. Every day I tell thank you God for everything that I have. No matter what was today, even if it was worth day in my life, I do it. I grate for my family, for my health, etc. Every moment we should remember that not everything that we have everybody has. I know that it is not a powerful statement that will motivate you to be grateful, but it is the fact. The other reason why we should be thankful for everything: we can not get more than we have without knowing what we have and realizing it.

Do you know that feeling when you open your eyes and tell: “thank you for a new day! It is going to be a great day as yesterday!”.

I hope you answer yes, like me. It is an amazing feeling, but if you didn’t feel it before, I try to explain it and even try to explain the method which can help you to have it. I noticed that I sense it when my day consists of only things which I love to do and do with pleasure. In my opinion, it’s the main reason. For example, if you have to study at school and you hate it, you will feel good maybe only in the summer, if you will do your hobbies or anything else you love. This example almost about me and my goal is to find a way to study only interesting subjects for me.

Please, do not spend your time on things that make you unhappy. I know that a lot of people work in jobs which they hate, but what about trying to leave this job and do things which you prefer. Well, you can tell me, that if it was easy everybody would do it. Please, get my point, you at least should start thinking about how to change your life situation. Let’s look at my example: John works engineer for 10 hours every day. He hates his job and works just for money, but imagine if it was a man, who dreams to become an engineer. I think that no doubt that he could work even 12 hours a day. So, John from childhood wants to become a manager of his own company. What did he do? He decided to save 30 % of his income. John has done it for 5 years and earned enough money to open his shop and sign 1 worker. Of course, he did it and carried on to work engineer. After 2 years his shop started to make him enough money to leave his hard job and focus on his own business.

I showed the little systematic actions which John did and it was a starting action which we need, so think about what you can do every day to be near things which you love and live freely with pleasure.

I wish all the best to everybody who read it. Good luck!


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