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Life’s good! Why do feel bad? (Школьные сочинения)

The article under review is “Life’s good! Why do feel bad?” by unknown author.

The article dwells on the problem of modern generation’s misery despite the fact they have everything to live a happy life. The main purpose of the article is to shed some light on modern problems of the generation.

It is divided into several parts in which the author tells us about difference reasons of unhappiness or dissatisfaction with one’s lives. The author starts by illustrating how people’s life started getting worse and nothing could make it better. Furthermore, he states that the state of being wealthy, owning a large house or having a lot of money doesn’t increase our state of happiness, as it doesn’t have an importance it used to have.

On the other hand, poor people would understandably see how money improve the quality of life. The author also finds it significant to stress that rise of life expectancy and falling mortality doesn’t make us happy, just because with the rise of it out expectations also rise. He is confident that we are more aware of out health, so we get more anxious about it.

In my opinion, the article is partly accurate and partly not. Indeed, modern problems require modern solutions but if we look at the past, we could see that people now are more or less happy. Indeed, every generation has its own problems and questions to solve and I guess humanity would never reach the state of infinite happiness and only happiness in their lives as there will always be problems to solve and things to consider.

Finally, I find the article interesting because it let us think about modern world’s happiness state. But I guess that people in different countries will interpret the article’s content differently because of cross-cultural differences, that’s why I guess that the question of happiness will be constantly discussed.


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