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It is better to read a book rather than watch it is screen version (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The problem of importance of reading a book rather that watching a film adaptation has always aroused sharp debates. Nowadays a great number of people claim that books are a superior cinematic version. However, others have quite a different point of view. This problem is really worth discussing.

According to my way of thinking, I support the first opinion and have several reasons to prove it. To start with, reading books develops people’s imagination. Everyone can idealize a character’s image and make it look pleasant for themselves. In addition, people gain new knowledge reading books. They find out correct spelling words and meaning of expression. Moreover, reading books makes it possible to understand the plot off one’s own hat. People can think about the main ideas of the author in this work regardless of other people as the script is thought out by the scriptwriter in film.

Nevertheless, there are a lot of people who think in a different way.

They claim that a film adaptation is better because it saves people time as a film is usually shorter that a book.

Though I respect this point of opinion, I definitely cannot share it. I strongly believe it is not true because people do not find out a full plot from film and understand it.

In conclusion, I would like to stress that in spite of the fact how many points of view concerning this problem may be, I still stand my ground that reading books is better.


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