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There are no men’s or women’s professions example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The issue about equality in professional sphere is connected with the fact that women’s status in society has changed. Some people believe jobs have no gender now, while others think there should be strict separation. In this essay I will try to express my opinion.

Personally I think there is no profession which a man or a woman cannot handle. For example, there are physically strong women who work in mines, fix pipes or transport goods. Moreover, there are men who have a subtle mental organization and like to work with children, do gardening or cooking. Thirdly, both men and women are equally good at counting, managing, creating and thinking.

However, there are people, who might not agree with me. Firstly, they can claim that it is shame for a man to engage in women’s professions, because he would become less masculine due to it.

Secondly, women are supposed to do chores around the house, and business is for men. Finally, some professions have belonged to the same gender for centuries.

I think all these thoughts are stereotypes. To my mind, men can do whatever they want and should not be ashamed for it. All women are different and they can choose any job for themselves, because old traditions, fortunately, are changing. The old customs don't matter, because now people are more educated.

All things considered, a job doesn't depend on a gender. It seems to me everyone can choose any profession based on their abilities and desires.


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