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Parents should give their children pocket money (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It has always been a pedagogical dilemma about whether to give children pocket money or not.

In my opinion, children should get pocket money because of various reasons. Firstly, they learn how to save money and spend it only for their need. What is more, they feel independent from their parents. Many kids appreciate the fact they are trusted to handle their finance. To my mind, it helps them to realize what kind of job to choose in future. I mean they would choose the job which could provide them with enough money to buy everything they want.

Other people say that money should be earned. Otherwise, children will not understand the value of it and would waste money. They also say that children should not get too much money or they will become spoiled and addicted to a luxurious life.

However, I cannot fully agree with this opinion.

Of course, I understand that giving a lot of money is not a good idea, but I think that most kids deserve the money they get, because parents usually give money for good study or behaviour. So we can say that children earn this money too.

To sum it up, I would like to say that adults should give children some pocket money to teach them how to spend it correctly.


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