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When 16 years old, teenagers should not ask their parents for pocket money / В 16 лет подросткам не следует просить у родителей карманные деньги What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

These days there is a popular opinion that 16-year-olds should not ask their parents for pocket money. However, some people doubt it saying teenagers ought to turn to parents when they need money. Personally, I agree with the latter point of view.

First of all, I believe that if youngsters ask their parents for cash, they learn how to be economical because they have to spend their parents' money wisely or else teens may not get it another time. I think it is important to learn how not to spend too much, not to waste money from the young age. Moreover, young people simply do not have their own money as they do not have jobs, so teenagers turn to their parents. 16-year-olds are not experienced enough to get a greatly paid job, so asking parents appears to be the only way of getting cash.

On the other hand, some people claim that young people, when they are 16 years old, should not always ask their parents for allowance.

Teenagers have to work in order to get pocket money. Nevertheless, I do not agree with this point of view. To my mind, if 16-year-olds work, they will not have time for getting their education, so I believe it is quite normal to ask parents for a small amount of money each week.

All in all, I think that when you are 16 years old, you have no other way of getting pocket money but ask your parents for it. Youngsters do not need too much, so it is not a disaster if they ask for some cash.


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