The first book a child reads on his own influences his reading preferences (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)The issue which has caused a lot of controversy over the past few years is preferring in reading. Somebody believes that the first book that a child reads on his own defines his taste in literature in the future, while others claim that there is no any connection between the first book we read and our reading preferences. Let us examine each of these points in details.
I hold the view that the first child's book cannot influence on his taste in literature. To begin with, our reading habits are mostly depend on our age, mood and world view, so we choose a book to read due to our needs at the moment. Moreover, everybody changes after a while, so it is impossible to have the same reading preferences since your childhood.
However, there is an opposing point of view that the first child's book plays a huge role in his future tastes in literature. My opponents may object by saying that the book a child reads on his own for the first time will influence on his tastes in the future.
I cannot agree with the above-mentioned statement. We read only fairy tale and stories for kids in the childhood, so our first book will sooner become unnecessary for us just because of our mental development.
Taking everything into consideration, there are two opposing points of view on the problem of preferring in reading. As I see it, the first book a child reads on his own will not have any influence on his reading preferences. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): Сoфья Внимание! Спасибо за внимание. Полезный материал по теме
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