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Yesterday, I finished reading a book about the 14th century England. What kind of books do you like reading? What do think the most interesting period in Russian history is and why? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)




Dear Elizabeth,

I was happy to receive your letter and learn about your interest in reading.

In your letter you asked me about reading. Well, I enjoy reading Russian classical literature because you can know a lot about people of that time, their views on life from it. I think that the 19th century is the most interesting and one of the most important periods in Russian history. During that time there were many significant events, which had a great influence on the country.

That’s why if there were a time machine, I would visit the Russian Empire in the 19th century.

That’s exciting news about your birthday! How did you celebrate it? Are you happy with the present, aren’t you? Can you send me some photos taken on your camera?

That’s all for now as I must do my homework. Write back soon.




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