Learning poems by heart strengthens your memory (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)It is common knowledge that we should train our brain to keep it in shape. Not only does it benefit our daily life, but it also decreases the likelihood of memory-loss and dementia in the future. It is widely believed that memorising poems makes our memory stronger. Many people consider it to be true, while others do not believe that learning poetry by heart has any effect on memory.
In my opinion, learning poems does improve our memory. Firstly, memorising improves neural plasticity. According to Science Daily magazine, it's been proven that learning benefits the hippocampal foundation, which is a structure in our brain responsible for memory. As a result, people can actually recall more information overall. Secondly, learning poems requires focus. A person that can concentrate on something, can also memorise it much better. Thus, when we learn poems, we train our focus skills, which can be used anywhere and helps remember more information.
However, there're people who disagree. According to an article in Psychology&Neuroscience magazine, learning poems is beneficial for our brain, but it only affects short-term memory. It helps us remember certain things for a short period of time, but doesn't make our memory stronger on a neurological level.
I don't agree with the opposing opinion. Even if learning poems doesn't affect the long-term memory, it is still beneficial and helps remember things that happened short-term.
In conclusion, the human brain is a very complicated structure. It certainly needs regular exercise. But even though learning poems affects predominantly short-term memory, it still can be called beneficial for our brain and memory. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): jdfkll Внимание! Спасибо за внимание.