Learning poems by heart strengthens memory пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)Some people believe that poetry not only allow readers to experience strong feelings expressed in these lines, but also help to improve your memory by learning them by heart. Others are of the opinion that it is a pointless waste of time and energy. That is the question we need to consider. It seems to me that learning poems by heart widens person’s mind and makes it possible for him to memorize more information in the future. To start with, our brain can be trained like any other muscle and such significant part of it as memory is not the exception: systematic repeating some poetic material strengthens it and help learners to remember more each time. To add, constant learning poems by heart forms a habit and living without a usual brain training becomes unproductive, so a person continues repeating the lines and making his memory stronger by that. However, there is an opposing opinion. Some people consider learning poetry by heart as a mechanical act that has nothing in common with memory development. Moreover, they think that it takes too much time and life resources to memorize these complicated lines. I am afraid I cannot agree with this point of view, because I suppose that keeping poems in mind is extremely helpful for our memory. People always have to make an effort to improve their mind, so time and energy loss leading to the amazing results is natural. In conclusion, the issue of influence of learning poems by heart on memory improvement is still arguable, but I believe that memorizing the lines is important in this process. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): Кристина Булат Внимание! Спасибо за внимание.