Learning poems by heart strengthens your memory пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)People should train not only their body, but also their brain. They need train their mind and memory. Our memory is not infinite. The more we have an intellectual load, the more difficult it is to keep everything in your head. One way to train your memory is to learn poems by heart. Some people think that it is a great way. Others claim otherwise. I would like to express my opinion on this topic.
I consider that you can train brain perfectly by learning poems by heart. Firstly, to memorize the material, it is very important to understand its meaning. Banal memorization will only lead to mechanical memorization, which is not of practical use. Poems are a full-fledged literary work with a plot, development of events, bright images. Secondly, it is easier for us to remember something rhythmic. The more rhythmically and sonorously the material is presented, the easier it is for the brain to remember it. It plays the role of auditory memory — playing back the rhythm, we remember the words of the rhyme. Besides that scientists have shown that if you learn a few lines every day, the biochemical reactions in the brain improve, new neural connections arise, and the ability to learn increases.
However, not all people share my opinion. They say that it is useless because it will not be useful in any way the future. Also, cramming takes time and effort. Moreover, this is usually short-term, you will tell the verse and forget it as if you never learned it.
I do not agree with this opinion because keeping your favorite poems in your head is great. You can tell it yourself or someone. Yes it takes some effort but nothing happens just like that. And that it was not short-term just need to train your brain.
In conclusion, I can say that learning poems develops and trains the area of the brain responsible for memory retention. And reading poetry aloud after learning it is the surest way to keep your brain in good shape. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): Анна Балашова Внимание! Спасибо за внимание.