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№38.1 Описание таблицы (the most popular environmentally friendly technologies in Zetland) (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

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Some researchers say that nowadays people all over the world tend to increase their using of alternative sources of energy. The aim of the project I am currently working on is to explore the most popular environmentally friendly technologies in Zetland. I have found a table with some data on the subject, which I am going to analyze.

According to the table, the majority of the respondents (35%) find wind generators the most popular eco-friendly technology. Almost one fifth part of the participants of the survey (18%) consider solar water heater being the most accepted source of energy, while only 5% of the interviewed think that energy saving appliances are more popular.

While comparing the answers of the survey, one can notice an interesting feature.

There is a substantial difference between those who have chosen solar panels (27%) and those who have opted for rainwater harvesting (15%). This difference makes up 12%, which shows that people more often use solar energy than rain water.

There are some problems which can come up while using environmentally friendly technologies. One of them is that the alternative energy is not developed enough nowadays and it can not satisfy people’s demand. To solve this problem, scientists can do more discoveries in this sphere and governments can increase their funding of eco-friendly technologies.

In conclusion, I am convinced that the environmentally friendly technologies is one of the utmost important part in our life. The environment depends on us and we depend on it!

Оценка эксперта:

Some researchers say that nowadays people all over the world tend to increase their using of alternative sources of energy. The aim of the project I am currently working on is to explore the most popular environmentally friendly technologies in Zetland. I have found a table with some data on the subject, which I am going to analyze.

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