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Задание 38/Leisure activities most popular among senior citizens in Zetland (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Leisure activities are a great way to train the brain and at the same time to give yourself a rest and get distracted from the routine. While doing the project on what leisure activities are most popular among senior citizens in Zetland, I have found some data and now I am going to analyse it and give my opinion.

According to the pie chart, the majority of elderly citizens (38%) spend their spare time in front of the TV screens, while 35% prefer reading. It is noticeable that 15% of seniors enjoy the company of family and friends, whereas only 4% have fun playing computer games or videos.

Further data analysis allows me to make a comparison. Gardening is popular with 7% of citizens in Zetland, which is 5 times less than those spending time reading.

It comes as no surprise since work with plants requires appropriate knowledge, while a book can plunge you into the engaging world effortlessly.

There is a problem that can arise with taking up a leisure activity. Often an idea of starting a new hobby remains unrealised because of not knowing where to start from. It would be nice to make a plan first and go deep into a theory.

To conclude, it is greatly important for humans to make time for their interests, especially for young adults as it promotes personal development.

the results of opinion polls (the additional information for the task)

watching TV - 39%

reading - 35%

spending time with friends and family - 15%

gardening - 7%

playing video\computer games - 4%


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