История Российского театра. History of the Russian theatre. 20 век (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)Acting performances have been known for a long time. At first they were associated with religious festivities or with pagan rites. I will tell you about the history of the ussian theater in the 90s of the 20th century. Political and economic changes in the life of the country in the mid-80s - early 90s of the XX century. Economic instability, crisis phenomena in the theatrical process. The division of the Moscow Art Theater, the problems of the repertoire - all these are characteristic features of the ussian theater of that time. ut also do not forget that any crisis in the state stimulates the development of art. This period in the history of the country is characterized by an increase in the number of theaters. Theater "At the Nikitsky Gate" by Mark ozovsky, Theater "Near Stanislavsky's House" by Yuri Pogrebnichko, Theater "Modern" by Svetlana Vragova. ussian and European theater festivals: International Theater Festival. A. P. Chekhov, Golden Mask, altic House, NET Festival, Avignon Festival, etc. ) The well-known theater critic . Zingerman claimed that the end of the theatrical millennium happened in ussia in the late 90s of the twentieth century. The discoveries made in the field of theatrical art and which created the glory of the ussian theater in the 50s - 80s became a burden for the new generation. Usually the end of the millennium is characterized by a certain decline, a minor with apocalyptic overtones. The current turn of the millennium, on the contrary, is characterized by active energy, loud and noisy activities, the rapprochement of the theater with the art of variety (show business), attempts to create a picture of the new time, theater critics say. As for me, I believe that in the 60s. ussia has formed its own, individual theatrical traditions, which were temporarily forgotten in the period of the 90s. Caught in the new proposed circumstances, he hung between the past and the present. In general, it was a time of freedom, openness, some searches, innovations, and in the theater it was a time of such calm, our theatrical stagnation, a time of waiting. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): ЕкатеринаКим2019 Внимание! Спасибо за внимание. Полезный материал по теме
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