Why do people go to the theatre? What do they look for there? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)Before I answer the questions “Why do people go to the theatre?” and “What do they look for there?” I would like to read the definition from Cambridge Dictionary: “Theatre is a building, room, or outside structure with rows of seats, each row usually higher than the one in front, from which people can watch a performance or other activity”. In theatre people can see a lot of different kinds of performances, such as musicals performances, historic performances, drama performances etc. Speaking about theatre as a kind of art I should say that in every spectator can find not only stage plays but also singing and choreography. The main figure of every performance is a director of theatre; in singing it is a conductor and in choreography it is a balletmaster. In order to show the reflection of reality, mood, historic atmosphere and dramatic effect of every spectacle actors work together with such people as with scene — designer, composer, property master, costume designer, makeup man and lighting man. Also, every theatre has got such elements as choirs, orchestra pit, wings and limes which help to make the special atmosphere which attracts people. In terms of psychology a person goes to the theatre for relax, escape from daily routine and problems and spending time with friends and\or family. But if we speak in terms of morals, theatre can help in self – development and expanding horizons. Sometimes people try to find the part of themselves in characters. One more thing is that watching a performance is a chance to see a big literary work in 2 or 3 hours. Without any qualms, theatre is a good place for children and teenagers too. There they can learn about empathy, get a high moral education and, of course, develop their imagination. Very often adults visit theatre with their children in order to implant them love of art from the early age. In theatre children learn to show their emotions through watching how the characters on scene express happiness, anger and hatred. They also learn what is kindness, support and betrayal. Memorizing the plot of performance and different characters helps to improve children’s memory and develop their intelligence. Moreover, children learn the rules of good behavior in society and get used to the discipline. To sum up I would like to say that theatre is the best way to combine business with pleasure. Firstly, it’s a kind of cultural rest and at the same time it is a selfeducation. Secondly, in such place every person can find new friends and even hobbies. At last, theatre is one of the oldest kinds of art and it is still popular nowadays. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): Ляман02 Внимание! Спасибо за внимание. Полезный материал по теме
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