Reaching the polar region and the ocean floor is useless adventurism (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)The issue whether travelling to distant areas is an unjustified risk provokes many arguments. Some people claim that going to hard-to-get places is reckless step while others argue that reaching the equatorial regions and the ocean floor is a rational act. In my opinion, people who are travelling to dangerous places are worthy of respect. To start with, these explorers devote their lives to science. They reach distant areas to get more information about various species that inhabit these places. The discoveries which travelers made there are a major contribution to world science. In addition, these people test themselves in hazardous situations. They build their characters and become morally stronger. However, some people believe that going to hard-to-reach places is unreasonable act. First of all, the majority of people travel to safety places and get good vibes without useless adventurism. Moreover, the polar region and the ocean floor have perfectly homogeneous space and it is meaninglessly to explore them. I cannot agree with the point of view mentioned above. Firstly, explorers reach remote areas to get unique and jaw-dropping experience that they cannot get in typical routes. Secondly, humanity has explored only a small part of the polar region and the ocean floor. So, it is difficult to approve that there is nothing interesting and unusual there. All in all, I am still convinced that hard-to-get places are worth to reach. Such travels are needed to scientists and to explorers themselves. 240 words Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): Анастасия Примаченко Внимание! Спасибо за внимание. Полезный материал по теме
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