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Public libraries are becoming useless and will soon go away (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Public libraries are becoming useless and will soon go away.

Now many people argue a lot about the declining popularity of libraries and their futility. I would like to reflect on this topic.

In my opinion, public libraries are useful. Firstly, if you do not want to buy a book, you can borrow one from a library. It is more economical. Secondly, the public library is a place, where you can work or take a break meanwhile nobody will disturb you. Thirdly, old books keep in public libraries. Some of them are valuable for science work.

esides, borrowing books in public libraries is environmentally friendly. Many people read the same book there when others buy a large number of paper books. Therefore, public libraries do not fade.

Nevertheless, there is another point of view. Nowadays public libraries are becoming unnecessary because almost all books can be found in the Internet.

However, not everyone has access to the Internet, while libraries are everywhere.

In addition, E-books have to buy too, it is more economical borrow one.

esides, many people prefer paper books than E-books. They think, reading paper books is more pleasant. Therefore, public libraries will help in these cases.

In conclusion, I would like to say that public libraries are useful. They will not disappear.

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