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Screen version of a book (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays many classical stories are adapted for the screen. Some people believe that it is better to read a novel. Others claim that it is enough to see a screen version of it.

Personally, I believe that it is better to read a book. To begin with, while reading, we use our imagination and create unique images of characters and places in our head. Furthermore, books usually have a lot of descriptions and this gives us the opportunity to immerse ourselves in the atmosphere of what is happening in the novel. And finally, While reading, we improve our speech skills so we get not only pleasure but also benefit. We read books and increase our knowledge: we learn and remember new words, we take something new from books for ourselves. And it can be really useful to us in life.

Opponents of this view think that reading takes us a lot of time.

Moreover, they believe that watching the film is enough to feel the atmosphere of what is happening in the book. Proponents of films believe that it is much better to watch the film, because then you do not have to spend a lot of time on just one story.

I completely disagree with them. Watching movies takes less time, but it often cuts down on the story and cuts out crucial scenes. Moreover, people have different ideas about the same things, so we have to read the book ourselves to form our own opinion.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I believe that people should read books instead of watching the screen versions. This way, people can not only enjoy reading, but also benefit from adding to their vocabulary.


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