Living in a city has many disadvantages (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)Today, a large number of people are faced with a choice: 'Which place will be more useful for me and my loved ones?'. So, many people think that city life has lots of drawbacks while others disagree. They believe that life in the city has more pros than cons. I completely agree with the statement that urban life brings a lot of advantages for many reasons. Firstly, in the city can find any job and get good money on it, because there it can be done many times faster and the list of vacancies found can be so large that you will have to choose the best of the best! Secondly, in the cities the best developed medicine, and if you get sick, the doctors will help you recover faster. Scientists have shown that 89% of people living in cities are cover from tonsillitis within month, while 78% of people living in villages die from the disease every year due to poor medicine there. There might arise an opposing viewpoint. First of all, there are environmental problems in cities. There are a large number of cars, factories and the air is very polluted. Also, the streets can be noisy due to the traffic. I want to express my own disagreement with such an opinion. One of the reasons is that cities have more opportunities for development than anywhere else. There are not only educational institutions, such as school, colleges and institutes, but also courses on developing your own business, photography, knitting and singing, which can help you become a more successful and happier person. Also, there are all the amenities for life: shops, cinemas, cafes and theaters. Most often, these places are close to your home, and you do not have to walk too long to buy groceries or watch a new play. In conclusion, I want to say that city life can meet absolutely all human needs, therefore life here is much better than in other places. Only in the city you can achieve all your goals that you set for yourself. This Gives you all the advantages to develop quickly, find your favorite hobby and get good money at work. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): Валерия Скрипникова Внимание! Спасибо за внимание. Полезный материал по теме
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