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It is useless to change one’s personal lifestyle to save the environment на 14 баллов (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is believed that transforming one’s mind about the environment is completely ineffective on the way to nature rescuing. Some people are absolutely sure about this statement, whereas others mention that changing people’ opinion about the environment is rather big step.

In my opinion, changing one’s way of life in favour of nature protection could be quite beneficial. Firstly, it is undeniable that every big deal starts from the small habits. Obviously, after some ecology studying, a person will definitely encourage his friends and relatives to turn the lights off or to separate the litter and economize fresh water. Secondly, he is able to promote his point of view and organize some public measures as clearing the street together with neighbors.

Nevertheless, other people mention that only government is able to reduce the harmful impact people have on the environment.

For instance, big factories that burn fossil fuels produce acid rains and kill trees.

ut ordinary people do not have this right to prohibit these factories’ work. Only the government is able to find an ecological solution and save the planet.

Despite my respect for this opinion, I cannot share it because I think that even a large number of ordinary people with the same view can change the situation. Undoubtedly, after consolidating they can write a public petition against harmful industries and give it to the government.

In conclusion, I would like to stress that everyone can take part in the process of saving our planet. Changing one’s habits is a really good step to the healthy nature.


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