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Zoos for animals - fair or not (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There are various opinions on keeping animals in the zoos. Some people believe that zoos are very good places for animals to live in, while others tend to think that animals shouldn’t be kept there, because it is unfair to them.

To my mind, keeping animals in captivity is cruel in the majority of cases. Very often animals live in bad conditions in the zoos. They can have small enclosures, which do not meet the standards of wildlife conditions. That’s why animals can suffer from stress, lack of exercises and stimulation , feel miserable and bored. Also, a lot of animals can’t be returned to the wildlife - into the wild, because they have been grown by people since their birth.

Excessive protection and care lead to inability to hunt, so these animals won’t be able to survive on their own.

However, some species can be saved from extinction in the zoos. They are fed and well-treated there. Moreover, different specialists find proper nutrition to make these animals healthy. Besides, zoos can be used for education of children, because there they can see, smell and touch various animals in one place.

Nevertheless, nature reserves are much better places for animals to live in. Animals won’t be disturbed by tourists there and also they won’t live in cages. So they will have enough space to behave as they do in the wild. What is more, people will be able to observe animals’ lifestyle in a natural habitat, where an animal doesn’t feel stressed out.

To sum up, I believe that it’s unfair to keep animals in captivity and zoos should be replaced by nature reserves, where animals will feel freer, but people will still be able to observe their behavior.


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