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Reading poetry is becoming less important for young people nowadays (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays cultural life of society has altered beyond all recognition. Literature, art and music have dramatically changed. And as a consequence, more and more people have started to believe that poetry has lost its former popularity among young people, while others are convinced that this kind of art is still demanded among teenagers.

In my opinion, poetry still has a huge impact on teenagers` perception and lifestyle. Firstly, this type of creativity has undergone substantial changes. I imply that former poems and romances transformed into new form of poetry which is called “rap”. Secondly, it seems to me that love lyrics of eminent writers would be everlastingly in great demand among all kinds of people, because they are able to convey the whole spectrum of human emotions and feelings.

Nevertheless, some people have a different point of view.

They claim that poetry has no importance for teenagers, because they suppose that currently teenagers have not any interests, except mobile games and social networks.

To a certain extent, they are right, because ironically there is a great number of young people who entirely match above mentioned stereotypes, although I am fully confident that there are much more teenagers who pay attention to their cultural thorough development, including via enjoyment of poetry.

To sum up, I strongly believe that in spite of widespread opinion poetry still occupies an important place in teenagers` routine.


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