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Ó íàñ áîëåå 100 000 ìàòåðèàëîâ âîñïîëüçóéòåñü ïîèñêîì! Âàì ïîâåç¸ò!

40. Reading poetry is becoming less and less important for young people nowadays ïðèìåð (Ñî÷èíåíèÿ ÅÃÝ àíãëèéñêèé ÿçûê)

There is no doubt that reading poetry is one of the most pressing issues in the modern world.

Personally, I think that reading poetry is truly becoming less and less important for young people today, because poetry is hard-understanding form of art. Young people have more important things in lives today. Franking speaking, I also do not understand poems especially ones that was written like one or two hundred years ago. This time is much further from our young generation. A lot of things have changed since 18th century.

esides, poetry is very romantic genre of literature.

Modern people prefer more action scenes and fantastic stories for example I really do. While reading poetry I have no interest in this because it is slow form of art, in most cases too tragic, that makes me think about my problems or worldwide issues, which I do not want to think about. This feature concerns not only poetry but most types of creativeness like music, theater, writing and many others.

Some people convinced that reading poetry is important for young people, because it helps them find themselves and understand the world around them. Also, reading poetry allows learning more about your country.

I still totally disagree with the opposite point of view. Finding yourself is truly great thing but young people can do it in other ways like I was saying before there many of other kinds of creativity that concern plenty of different problems. For example, music is easier to understand, it has a lot of different genres from classical to black metal and it also helps young people find themselves.

In the end I want to say, that poetry is important as other ways of creativity.


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