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Playing sports helps to reduce stress example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, the level of stress is becoming higher than it used to be years ago. Many people believe that the best way to feel better is playing sports, however, there is also an opinion that doing sports is not for everyone.

As far as I am concerned, doing sports is a good relief of stress. Firstly, playing sports is an opportunity to find new friends with the same interests because they bring laugh, joy to life and help to get rid of stress. Secondly, playing sports helps people to take the mind off stressful situations and forget about their problems. What is more, when people do sports, they set and achieve new goals. As a result, progress in life brings happiness and helps to believe in oneself.

However, there is also a strong opinion that quite often stress cannot be reduced by doing sports.

To begin with, sport is not suitable for some people, for example, old or disabled ones. They prefer to read books or watch films to feel better. Moreover, playing sports might make the situation worse as many people feel tired after doing sports.

It might be true but I do not agree with that point of view because there are many different types of sports not only for active people but also for non-active ones. Every person can choose the most suitable activity with an appropriate intensity to reduce stress.

To sum up, the easiest way to make the level of stress lower is doing sports and lead a healthy lifestyle, which has a great importance in modern life.


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