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The most important thing in life is love example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There is a popular opinion that people must make love as a priority. At the same time, we have another important values in our lives. Now I would like to express my point of view.

In my opinion, there are other things that must be important for people. Firstly, people should devote their attention to career. If a person has a stable income, his life will be full of unforgettable experience and interesting things such as visiting different countries and places, communication with new people. Secondly, we should remember about our family members. They need in our care and help. For example, it can be some household chores or pastime with family.

However, there is an opposite point of view that love is a beautiful feeling that could happen to a person. People get positive emotions and feel happiness.

Moreover, your beloved can make your mood better in a difficult moment.

These arguments do not seem convincing to me because people often suffer from unrequited love or other problems which can lead to depression and apathy. Furthermore, sometimes our partner can be a real reason of our troubles and disappointings. For example, people can be in abusive relationships and due to it they become lose their individuality, have a bad mood, start to doubt themselves.

In conclusion, I would like to say that love is not the most important value in our lives. People should not forget about other spheres and interests because of love.


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