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The most important thing in life is love пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays there are different opinions on our values of life. Some people consider love the main of them while others argue there are different things that also have great importance.

Personally, I think love is really on of our highest priorities in life. Firstly, love is able to help people get through a rough period of life and find them a soulmate. If a man is loved by someone, it means they both always manage to cope with problems together but not alone. Secondly, love brings us happiness, makes our life bright and instantly fills it with only positive emotions. Everyone who feels love never get depressed, they are productive and are more likely to succeed in achieving their main goals.

However, there are people who think differently. They say there are another valuable thing such as education.

Firstly, people need to think about their future career so studying hard can lead to getting a good education and working on a higher-paid job. Therefore, people become strong and independent.

Although, I do not agree with this opinion. It is important to not only think about studying as there are also close people around who always love and support and cheer up in every difficult situation.

To conclude, both opinions have the right to exist but I strongly believe that love is one of the most essential things in life as it gives us the reason to live in this world.


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