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«Inglourious Basterds» Film Review (Школьные сочинения)

“Inglourious Basterds” is one of the most spectacular films of 2009 directed by Quentin Tarantino. This is the sixth film of the director. It belongs to such genres as action, drama and comedy. This is a long movie that lasts for 2,5 hours. But, personally I, watched it in one breath.

This film is about the second World War but it is definitely not based on real events. In general it is something like director’s thoughts about that period of time like “What would be if...?”. The action takes place in German-occupied France where a group of American Jewish soldiers prey on the Nazis and kill them brutally.

I think you have already realized that the form of the narrative, as well as the humor in this film are somewhat specific. So, you might have thought that probably you would not like it.

But don't jump to conclusions. Because all of this in combination with the constant tension in which this film holds the audience and incredible cruel visual effects as well as wonderful soundtrack by Ennio Morricone is perceived as a great tragicomedy of absurdity. This shows the mastery of the author, the true genius.

The acting of the cast (Brad Pitt, Melanie Laurent, Diane Kruger) is just magnificent. Let us take Christoph Waltz, for example, who appears in many Tarantino films. It is also must be said that in every film he plays he has absolutely different roles. So it is not surprising that in "Inglourious Basterds" he incredibly embodied the role of Colonel Land - a sadist, the SS bloodhound, the cynic and the villain. From my point of view this character definitely went down in the history of cinematography.

Personally as a fan of Quentin Tarantino I liked the film. I'd like to repeat once again that this film is rather specific (just as all the films by Tarantino, honestly). So, some people can misunderstand the meaning of some scenes and the message in general. But if you like action movies, a mixture of cruelty and humour, if you know what sarcasm and irony are, then you would certainly like it.


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