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Review of the book Gone with the wind by Margaret Mitchell (Школьные сочинения)

The last book I read was Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. I read it a week ago. At that moment, I wanted to read as light and non-stressful a book as possible, and when I saw the cover, I thought that this was an ordinary love novel. And how wrong I was. I had heard a lot about this book and the author, and I knew about the existence of a film adaptation, but nothing more. it turned out that this is an epic novel, the main characters of which are the capricious and selfish Scarlett O'Hara, her beloved Ashley, his distant relative and the opposite of Scarlett Melanie, and the uneducated character-the aristocrat Batt Butler.

Throughout the novel, we observe the development of relations between these characters, but the main problem is the south north and the war, which irrevocably changed the characters and their attitude to life.

The book certainly does not have a happy ending, on the contrary, we move from balls and merry dances to the description of the irreparable consequences of the war with the Yankees. I really enjoyed reading this book, but I still find it hard to get away from the ending, because I can't believe how tragically it ended.

ecause of the open ending, I really want to read books about the same story by other authors, but I restrain myself, because these are completely different interpretations. I certainly recommend reading it to everyone, but I warn you that the book is really heavy and tells about the serious problems of this world. In addition, it is not a fairy tale and there is no happy ending and it is very difficult to accept, especially because of the strong attachment to the characters.


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