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It's better to work from home than in office (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There are a lot of conversations about the way people should work to make more productive results and be less tired in the end.

What concerns me, I think that everyone should better work at home firstly because every single person has their own sleeping schedule; these people usually divide on «owls» and «larks» because some of them like to work at night or evening and the others prefer to wake up early in the morning. The second reason for that is that thus people can concentrate on the working process more easily and by that increase benefits both for them and their employers. Finally, it reduces the stress level of the workers because they work in home furnishing without being distracted by anything.

However, the opposite opinion is also pretty much widespread among the people. Supporters of this point of view think that working in the office has several undeniable advantages over working from home.

To begin with, it increases the team spirit and makes office workers more productive in many ways. Finally, it can eventually lead to activating some kind of collective consciousness which is also a great deal of boost for the team efficiency.

Anyway, working at home is still considered being more productive than office work and also not so stressful.

To conclude everything I have said before, I would like to emphasize that working from home provides more effective and more productive results, thus bringing a bigger benefits to the employer and increasing the employee's performance.


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