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People need to learn foreign languages mainly to build a good career (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The issue, which has caused lots of controversy for the recent years, is foreign languages. Some people think that the main goal of learning them is building a good career. Others take this opinion with a grain of some skepticism.

In my opinion, getting a successful job is not the main reason to learn foreign languages. First of all, a lot of people all over the world like traveling. That is why they decide to learn foreign languages mainly to talk with other people and to discover something you about their cultures and traditions. Secondly, I am sure that there are a lot of successful companies in your country. You can get a well-qualified and highly paid job working in your native country without knowledge of foreign languages.

However, there is another side to the question. Some people believe that a person can get a good education only when studying abroad.

Moreover, getting a good profession is the most important aspect of people's lives so you must do everything including knowledge of foreign languages to achieve it.

I personally disagree with the above-mentioned viewpoint. Firstly, nowadays there are many educational standards, which are used all over the world so you don't need to study abroad. Secondly, I think that getting a well-paying job is not the main thing in our lives, for which you need to do everything and learn foreign languages.

In conclusion, I would like to say that a well-qualified profession is not the main purpose of learning foreign languages. You can learn them for traveling, hobby or not to learn them at all and be successful and happy in life.


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