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everybody should learn a foreign language mainly to build a good career (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays there is an opinion that people should study different languages only for their professional career. Some people think that it is true while others think differently. In my essay I am going to express my point of view and debate with my opponents.

Personally, I disagree that everybody should learn a foreign language mainly to build a good career. To start with, learning languages is needed for general educational and social development. If tourists know some foreign languages, they will travel without difficulties in communication with people. Moreover, everybody will be able to make friends all over the world. To my mind, it is a very interesting experience.

Nevertheless, some people do not support my point of view. They think that knowledge of a foreign language is useful in a career and useless in everyday life.

In their opinion, there is just unnecessary information that will stop people’s brains from working.

Although I respect my opponent’s opinion, I cannot agree with it. I still believe that learning foreign languages is very useful for our intelligence. If people know some languages, they will able to read many foreign books in original.

To sum up, knowledge of languages is very useful for everybody. People should learn languages for themselves not only for their career. This is my opinion and I still stick to it.


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