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Being a famous celebrity brings many pressures and problems (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Being a famous celebrity has become a hot topic for debate in recent years. Some people claim that fame leads a well-known person to difficulties and stress, while others hold an opposite view.

In my opinion, being a popular celebrity is truly exhausting and demanding. Firstly, most of the celebrities do not have an ordinary social life because of the photographers and press, who want to sell personal information or pictures of them. Secondly, they always need to watch what they say or do. People can misunderstand their world or actions, which leads to losing success in the industry and bad reputation.

However, some people believe that being a famous celebrity is not that difficult and stressful nowadays. In their view, famous people have more opportunities and benefits than the average person and they should be grateful for that.

Celebrities can afford luxury life and solve all types of problems, unlike other people. In addition, a lot of people want to be like them, or even look like them. They do plastic surgeries and I am sure nobody wants a copy of themselves.

Personally, I do not agree with the above opinion. I am convinced that well-known people are the same as all other people and have feelings and emotions, too. Their privacy life should be respected despite their amount of money or social ties. They have a right to spend their free time how they want, to speak with the press or not, to allow taking a photo or not.

In conclusion, although there are different opinions on this problem, I still believe that being a famous celebrity is exacting and can bring a lot of problems for people because famous people have a lot of obsessed fans that want to know everything about them Celebrities are followed everywhere, they can not have a normal life, for example, simply have dinner with their family like all of us. That is why we should respect their free time, interests and relationships.


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