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Clothes people are wearing can influence their behavior (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Sometimes our behavior can be influenced by kind of clothes what we are wearing. But a common opinion is that wearing apparel is not really important and it does not matter because clothes are only necessary. However, there are some people who think that clothes can help someone feels more attractive and self-confidante or conversely.

In my opinion behavior can be changed when person wears what he wants. Bright, stylish and modern clothes are liked by a lot of teenagers, but some of them are fond of wearing classic. And if one would wear clothes which does not like he will feel uncomfortable. For example, the girl from the movie «Confessions of a Shopaholic» mother bought only cheap and unfashionable clothes.

Because of it the child felt insecurity. But when she became an adult and started to buy clothes that wanted, Rebecca became more confident and successful. Moreover color of clothing can determine mood and behavior. For instance, people who are depressed choose dark colors, while those who are cheerful prefer bright ones.

I always respect people with opposing opinion. Some of them believe that only expensive clothes can influence behavior. They talk that when someone knows high price of clothes they can look down on people in cheap ones.

I completely disagree with this statement because fashionable clothes can be found at a low price. For example, a lot of nice clothes, sometimes from famous brands, there are in secondhand shops.

In conclusion, I must admit that although there are different points of view, I tend to think that clothes that we choose or no prefer influence us.


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