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40. Clothes people are wearing can influence their behavior пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Our modern life is unthinkable without clothes and fashion. We express ourselves through the stuff we are wearing and distinguish our individuality with the help of it. Moreover, some people are sure that clothing can have an impact on a person’s way of acting, while others think that it cannot influence one’s behaviour.

To my mind, people’s way of acting depends on psychological processes, which are influenced by social environment, not by clothes. Everyone acts due to his or her inner intentions, that are formed by the upbringing and interpersonal relations.

Moreover, difficult life circumstances can greatly modify a person’s behaviour.

However, not all people share my point of view. They say that clothes can have an impact on one’s behaviour by contributing to his or her self-esteem improvement. As the result, a human becomes more confident in the way of acting and speech.

To a certain extent, it is true, but we should not forget that clothes only help to reveal one’s potential behavior, playing a minor role in influencing the changing of a person’s way of acting. People behave due to their world outlook, which they can express through the clothes, so the stuff humans are wearing is only the tool.

To conclude, it is quite obvious that people’s behaviour are influenced by numerous aspects of life. However, clothes play a minor role in this process, as it only helps humans to express themselves and choose their own style and way of acting.


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