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The print media will disappear in future (14 баллов) (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The problem of modern media resources has always aroused heated debates. Some people are convinced that the print press will completely vanish in the nearest future. However, the others believe it will not ever become outdated. In my essay I am going to express my personal opinion on the matter, debate with my opponents and draw the balanced conclusion.

In my opinion, it is print media's fate to disappear soon. There are many things to be said in favour of this point of view. Firstly, the average mass media are frequently used in social activities, but the print ones do not feed modern people's addiction any more, so, a lot of information can stay unnoticed. Additionally, contemporary humanity is always in a hurry and needs brief news broadcast very often.

But the print media cannot please everyone's demand because it brings time to wait for new written editions.

However, not all people share my opinion. They suppose that the print media are considered the most credible sources of information as they are always edited thoroughly in contrast to the advancement of modern ones. That is why they will stay on the market as necessary reliable resources.

Nevertheless, I do not support the above mentioned idea. One should take into account the fact that despite editors' carefulness the print press does not seem needful as it does not contain the news about current events. Besides, it may become unreliable because many things can change after long publishing.

In conclusion, summarizing all the points, I strongly believe that the print media are irrelevant nowadays. Their decline in popularity is just and they will definitely disappear soon.


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