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Example. Some people think that in the future traditional shops will disappear and all shopping will be online with home delivery (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Digital literacy is the key to any occupation

There is no doubt that nowadays people have to use computers almost in every occupation. Some people think that one of the most important skills at work is digital literacy. On the other hand, there are people who believe that digital literacy is unnecessary.

In my view, digital literacy plays a big role in achieving success in any occupation, Firstly, computers are time-saving. It is much faster to send an e-mail than to go to colleagues from floor to floor or from one corner of office to another.

Secondly, one of the first question that an H

asks on interview for job is «Do you know how to use computer?», and people who answer negatively do not have a lot of chances to get the job.

Digital literacy can be necessary if people have to work from home. For example, people all over the world had to work online during the pandemic period. Those who had some digital literacy skills worked more productive.

To sum up, I would say that it is important to be digital literate in the modern world. Digital literacy is the key for the majority of different professions.

Some people think that in the future traditional shops will disappear and all shopping will be online with home delivery.

There is no doubt that online shopping is very popular nowadays. Some people think that traditional shops will stop exist soon. On the other hand, there are people who believe that traditional shopping will not be displaced by the Internet shopping.

In my view, people will buy anything in the nearest future. Firstly, online shopping saves a lot of time, as a costumer does not need to spend time on the road. If one wants to buy goods in the shopping center, he or she have to get there first and it can take a lot of time. Secondly, the online store assortment is wider. A person can find clothes of very colour or size on a website.

However, there are people who think different. They say that traditional shops will not disappear, because one needs to put the clothes or shoes on before buying it.

I cannot agree with my opponent’s statement. The online shopping industry is developing from day to day and almost every shop offers a customer to try his or her clothes on after the delivery and to reject to buy them.

To sum up, I would say that traditional shops will soon be replaced by online stores, because it is much more convenient for people to shop from home.


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