What subjects are obligatory for a journalist? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)There is no doubt that a large number of reporters did not study journalism, but they work at the highest positions in many editorial offices of the world. But in my opinion, everyone who wants to devote their lives to journalism must go through a special program at the university. I’m convinced that there are special subjects that every journalist must learn.
Firstly, he or she must understand psychology, philosophy, sociology and ethics in order to more easily communicate with people and find out their hidden motives. Secondly, the future reporter should learn journalistic law and economic fundamentals. This will help them open his publication, make it profitable and not get into jail. Thirdly, having such skills as reporting, writing, photography, editing, design, and graphics will make former students rather attractive to large magazines and sites. A professional who knows how to use different devices and who is good at radio, television and online journalism will be able to find work even in the most difficult times.
However, many people believe that journalists do not have to study general subjects. They can graduate from the philological, historical, political science faculties and be excellent professionals in their field.
I do not agree with this point of view. Of course, if you want to write articles about cinema, then you better graduate from the cinema department. But if you want to write daily news, to report from events, to investigate or to create great interviews, then journalistic education will help you.
To sum up, we are convinced that journalistic education gives people practical skills and in-depth knowledge about society and a future craft. A journalism study program should include subjects such as economics, sociology, philosophy, law, ethics, photography, sound editing, speech techniques, and more. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): Шура Бога Внимание! Спасибо за внимание. Полезный материал по теме
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