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All subjects at school are equally useful (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays there is an opinion that all school subjects are necessary. Whereas others disagree and think that it is not important to study all subjects.

From my point of view, all subjects at school are equally useful. First of all, if students learn all the subjects equally, they will broaden their mind. Secondly, teenagers train their mind in various ways, such as logical thinking, analytic skills and attention through learning different things about the world. Finally, knowledge in all school subjects forms a scientific understanding of the world.

However, some people believe that not all subjects are beneficial during the educational process because students will not use them in their ordinary future life. Teenagers will learn all obligatory things for their future career at university.

Then, at school students just get surface information about some science and do not learn the discipline with all the details.

Yet I cannot agree with them because knowledge, which students have gotten at school, will help in the future. No one cannot know in advance which subject will benefit. Moreover, when student just get acquainted with school subjects, they will make a serious decision about their future career.

In conclusion, though some people think that all school subjects are equally useless, I strongly believe that through learning all subjects teenagers think about their future.


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