Space exploration (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)The problem of space exploration has always aroused heated debates. Some people are convinced that nowadays space exploration plays an essential role in our life. However, the others believe that such experiments is not useful in our life. But let us speculate who is right. I cannot but agree that nowadays is the age of science and space exploration takes its place in our society. Most people believe that the study of space leads to the improvement of human knowledge about the world. No one will argue with the fact that such teachings can not bear only some harm, and I am no exception. Firstly, this activity allows people to know more about the universe as a whole. Secondly, it allows scientists to look for other energy resources, which may be useful in expanding knowledge about alien nature. Thirdly, space exploration can help us to discover new knowledge about owr own planet, to know something new about it. After all, not many thought not only about other planets, but also about their own, so such knowledge will be able to expand the horizons of people. Some opponents might argue that space exploration is not useful in our life. They suggest that space exploration is not more than useless activity that cannot give nothing helpful. In their opinion, it is better to continue the study of the already open topics and not touch on something unknown, because the unknown can lead to trouble. Moreover, cosmonauts may be exposed to mortal danger in space, so these experiments are life threatening. Nevertheless I do not support the above mentioned ideas. One should take into account the fact that all the activity is purposeful and after studying space people are given knowledge about the outside world. Besides, cosmonauts and space rockets nowadays are well equipped, so there are no danger in space. All in all, space exploration is well distributed these days. Despite the arguments of various skeptics I am convinced that our society needs to learn more about spade exploration as a new way of increasing knowledge of one of the scientist’s side. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): Koijiiu Внимание! Спасибо за внимание. Полезный материал по теме
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