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Space exploration was the greatest achievement of the XX century (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Human space flight was one of the memorable events of the previous century. Many people say that space exploration turned the tide of history. Others claim this event had only slight impact on the people’s lives.

In my opinion, space flight has made a powerful push for the scientific progress. Firstly, a human was finally able to see the Earth from the side and prove many doubtful facts. Secondly, researchers began thinking seriously about the possibility of life out of our planet. Thirdly, space exploration paved the way for the new technologies on the field of communication through the use of satellites.

However, some people argue that people were not ready for the breakthrough.

To begin with, we started to pollute the upper layer of the atmosphere with space debris. Moreover, huge amount of money spent on the scientific researches could be directed to struggle with global problems. Last but not least, the progress in Cosmonatics stimulated the development in the weapon industry.

I cannot agreee with the opposing opinion. The share of money invested in space exploration is insignificant compared to the wealth that rich people spend on the entertainment. Furthermore, nowadays researches are carried out in the field of the Earth’s and space debris recycling.

To sum up, there are two opposing points of view on the problem of space exploration, but I feel strongly it was the greatest and crucial scientific success of the XXth century.


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