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professional sport is too traumatic to be healthy, too demanding to be combined with good education and getting adequate social experience for children and teenagers to practice (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Personally, I believe that professional sport is very dangerous and difficult to be superposed with good health education and communication with friends. Firstly, professional sport is very risky, as you can hurt your body and be injured at your regular trainings or championships. Secondly, this sport takes too much of your free time and it is really hard to combine your studies and companionship with preparing and participating in sports competitions.

However, some people will not agree with me. They claim that both professional sport and amateur one always mean suffering injuries. Besides, professional sportsmen constantly socialize with their coaches and teammates. Moreover, taking into consideration education, professional sport makes people organized and self-disciplined and motivates them to get education.

In my opinion, this approach is vulnerable to criticism as if a sportsman gets injured, it takes him a certain amount of time to recover and this can negatively affect his studies.

Besides, the communication of sportsmen is limited, because they have no time to make friends somewhere else except for their trainings. What’s more, if a sportsman is seriously (badly) injured, he can have little opportunity to communicate and get education.

To conclude, I can deduce that professional sport is very risky for your healthy and cannot be combined with good education and getting adequate social experience for children and teenagers to practice, because it is time and effort consuming activity.


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