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Children should look after a pet from a young age. Social networks are necessary for modern teenagers (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Children should look after a pet from a young age

Today many children have their own pets. The issue of keeping a pet has always aroused strong emotions and hot debates. Some think that it is a good idea for a child to look after a pet from a young age.

In my opinion, it is a good idea if the child is ready. First of all, caring about a home pet develops responsibility. The children understand that they play an important role in the lives of their small friends. Moreover, pets teach children to plan their time effectively.

For example, it is necessary for the child to make a schedule of walking or feeding his dog or another animal.

However, little children don’t fully understand life. So, it can be harmful for a pet or a child. For instance, a baby can cut the cat’s tail. Also, the child may get bored with the animal and it will remain abandoned.

As for me, I cannot completely agree with the opposing opinion, because the purchase of a pet depends on the parents and if they see that the animal will be superfluous, they will not buy it.

All in all, pets can have a positive effect on children. It is important that children and animals exist in harmony and do not harm each other.

Social networks are necessary for modern teenagers

Today all teenagers have a gadgets. With their help they are surf the net and search the information. The issue of using social networks has always aroused strong emotions and hot debates. Some think that social media interaction is important for modern teenagers.

In my opinion, it is true. First of all, teenagers learn the news from social networks. They are surf the VK’s or Instagram’s tape to learn about their city, celebrities, films and so on. Also, teenagers are chat with their friends. Communication with peers is very important.

However, people can communicate face to face. Technology will never replace live communication. Also, some of teenagers are live without account in social networks. This people can learn information of interest from other sources.

As for me, I cannot completely agree with the opposing opinion, because sometimes friends are go away in the trip and it is the only variant to chat. Also, social networks is easy and clear way to get something.

All in all, in modern world teenagers should plan their time effectively. It is important don’t spend all of their time on the social networks, but it is can be useful in daily life.


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