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Visiting other countries essay (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays many people think that visiting other countries helps one to learn a lot about his/her own country. However, there are plenty of people who doubt that it is true. Let`s discuss this ambiguous issue and find the truth.

Personally, I think that going abroad obviously helps one to understand one`s country better. Firstly, when a person travels abroad, he/she can recognize that every country is completely differed from his/her own country. For example, Italy is known for its ancient architecture and Russia has lots of constructions built in the 20th century. It is certainly make the person think about the uniqueness of his/her motherland. Secondly, sometimes many foreigners can share their view on the person`s country. The opinion of every foreigner is crucial to understanding some processes in person`s motherland.

My father says that if he did not speak to the foreigners, he would never know Russia so well.

Nevertheless, some people disagree. They are convinced that one will understand his/her own country only if this person studies history of the country. To prove it, they refer to numerous historians who consider that one can understand the Russian soul only from Russian history.

I cannot agree with the argument provided above. History cannot be only Russian – it is a science of interactions between all countries around the world. That is why it is important to visit other countries and learn their history to understand your own country.

To conclude, I must say that although everybody has their own opinion, I am sure that travelling around the world is very important to know your own country better.


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