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Young people are increasingly looking for jobs in other countries. Write an essay in which you present the advantages and disadvantages of working abroad (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

To start with, everybody knows that young people all around the world are looking for work in other countries.

easons for youth job migration are different: better payment, new culture, good education, travelling and desire of adventures. People in different countries also have different opinions about this phenomen: some see just negative effects, other — only positive or have no opinion at all.

From my opinion, all in the world have two sides as a coin: all lead to sum of positive and negative effects, so the problem said above also have both advantages and disadvantages.

I think that disadvantages of youth job migrations are following: people past work abroad often do not return to their native lands and lose contacts with their families, friends, languages and culture.

It is the most spreaded negative opinion about working abroad. I also think that it is a great problem: every country needs energetic and good-educated young people for future development, but not all countries could provide good facilities for their work, so countries stay undeveloped. This sad reality shows, alas, enough spreaded unpatriotic moods in people masses.

From advantages I can name factors as international cultural exchange and ability to get starting capital for young families. Looking at Japanese history – history of one of the most developed countries in the world – we can notice that only mix of wise Asian philosophy and European technologies made this country so great in 20th century — it is good example of advantages of international cultural exchange. As I said above, working abroad could help youth to get their first money. We can notice it even in Kyrgyzstan – many people go for working to other countries, and it helps them to buy new car, flat or pay for their children education — so it gave good results.

To cap it up, from my opinion, working in other countries is good ability to get better education and first capital. I sure that fact about people who do not return to their native counties are true, but it is depends on personal choice, not on ability to be better.


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