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Teenagers should earn money themselves, but don't ask it from their parents (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In most parts of the developed world teenagers have been earning money since they turned fourteen. They have enough money for entertainment like sweets, shopping and clothing. Teenagers used to not ask money for their needs from their parents. Personally, I agree with the statement. It is a great thing if a teenager earns his own money and does not take it from his parents. It is important to state that teenager is getting independent, he learns how to be an adult and it becomes clear for him that earning money is a hard work. Some of my friends take the opposite view and claim that teenagers are teenagers, they should enjoy their adolescence. Parents must support their children until they turn eighteen. To my friends' opinion, teenagers should earn money only when they are ready to do it. However, I think otherwise. Earning money is one of many things which gives an opportunity for adolescents to feel how to be an independent adult.

Moreover, it is hard to deny that earning money for some teenagers is a pastime. In conclusion, I would to say that if a teenager does not want to spend his free time on earning money it is not too bad. Teenagers are not required to make money, but they should know that one day they will have to work and earn money by themselves.

I am hoping that mine point of view is understandable for anyanyone who read it. Merci for your time friends.

I really hope about that this text will help somebody with his future exams)

I will try to write a new text as fast as i can


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