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The presence of spiritual cripples in our society is the problem over which A.N. Kuznetsov. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The presence of spiritual cripples in our society is the problem over which A.N. Kuznetsov.

The author believes that spiritual cripples at all times have demonstrated and demonstrate a complete atrophy of moral qualities. He refers to them one of the authors of the yellow press, who invented to evaluate the feat of one of the members of the "Young Guard", Uliana Gromova, according to her last note, transferred from the German torture chambers. "Journalist" explores not the generosity of the girl calming her family, but the presence of punctuation and spelling errors in this note.

What callousness!

AN Kuznetsov is sure that spiritual cripples exist in our society because they do not have morality.

I share the point of view of the author, who condemns moral cripples, and his irony towards such "journalists".

How many such "scribes" tried to present in another light the feat of Alexander Matrosov. It does not matter to them that he closed his enemy's embrasure with his own breast and saved the lives of dozens of brother-soldiers. It is more important to get to the bottom of what orphanage he came to the front or "dig" the fact that Matrosov, it turns out, was from a penal company and did not value his life.

I consider the moral cripple to be the deserter Andrei Popov, whose misdeeded act he read on the website "People of Honor". For ten years, a former soldier, a deserter, was hiding from justice. I'm not talking about his immorality in relation to the commander of the military unit and fellow soldiers, in relation to the director of the Caspian brick factory, where he allegedly was in slavery. I'm talking about his heartlessness towards his mother! For ten years she considered him dead! How many tears shed ...

True was the great Tiutchev, who spoke of moral cripples: "They do not see or hear, they live in this world, as in the dark ...".I consider the moral cripple to be the deserter Andrei Popov, whose misdeeded act he read on the website "People of Honor". For ten years, a former soldier, a deserter, was hiding from justice. I'm not talking about his immorality in relation to the commander of the military unit and fellow soldiers, in relation to the director of the Caspian brick factory, where he allegedly was in slavery.


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