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What causes the loss of patriotic consciousness in modern society - this is the problem over which Yu.M. Polyakov reflects. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

What causes the loss of patriotic consciousness in modern society - this is the problem over which Yu.M. Polyakov reflects.

A well-known Russian writer, talking about patriotism, uses a bright path, comparing love to his homeland, the "immune system of the people", with a chain armor, which we Russians lost. The reason for this loss is the struggle "for power in the Kremlin, when the" democrats "began to destroy the USSR. The very word "patriotism" at that time became abusive, and one bard called it "cat's feeling." All this causes indignation in Yu.M. Polyakov, who is confident that with the loss of patriotism, a turmoil in society, fraught with its consequences.

The position of the author is not difficult to determine: one of the reasons for the loss of patriotic consciousness among Russians was the collapse of the Soviet Union and the coming to power of the "democrats" who have done everything to make the inhabitants of the country forget about their love for the Fatherland.

I share the author's point of view: without the patriotism of people, their responsibility for the present and future of Russia will not be a strong power.

This was repeatedly written by classics, reasoned publicists and philosophers.

Let us recall the novel "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy. Why, when the "forces of the two languages &񗜻&񗜻of Europe" invaded Russia, did it defeat the brilliant army of Napoleon? "As Tolstoy wrote, in the Patriotic War of 1812" the people's goal was one: to cleanse their land from the invasion. "

The same goal was subordinated to the efforts of all Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War. The patriotism of my compatriots was great. Let us recall the heroes of A. Fadeyev's The Young Guard, whose exploit inspired dozens of young citizens of the Soviet country. And what a pity that my peers do not know about the courage and courage of Lyuba Shevtsova, Olga Koshevoy, Sergei Tyulenin, Uliana Gromova.

Thus, I can conclude that the reason for the loss of patriotism in our country is the actions of the "democrats" in the 1990s and the absence of a system of patriotic education in modern society.


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