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The book is our friend and adviser (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

For the first time, we usually get acquainted with books, when we are not yet able to read, parents or grandmother and grandfather begin reading fairy tales. We listen, opening our mouths, and simple narratives sink into our souls.

Then, when we get older, and we can already read, the book becomes our friend and adviser. I got carried away reading to such an extent that I spend all my time behind the book. At first I read paper books from the parent library, then my dad gave me a book reader, and I began to read much more conveniently, and most importantly, I was able to download the modern books that I had long dreamed of reading.

Books are really my friends, nor that I so do not like how to spend time with them. In books, I find many useful tips and various life situations, the knowledge of which, I hope, will help me in adulthood. My favorite books are: The stars are to blame, John Green, The Chronicles of Narnia, Clive Lewis and The Book Thief, Markus Zusak. I advise everyone to read them!

I do not understand some of my classmates who do not like to read, and even boast about it.

Personally, my life would immediately fade and fade, would be uninteresting if I stopped writing.For the first time, we usually get acquainted with books, when we are not yet able to read, parents or grandmother and grandfather begin reading fairy tales. We listen, opening our mouths, and simple narratives sink into our souls.

Then, when we get older, and we can already read, the book becomes our friend and adviser. I got carried away reading to such an extent that I spend all my time behind the book. At first I read paper books from the parent library, then my dad gave me a book reader, and I began to read much more conveniently, and most importantly, I was able to download the modern books that I had long dreamed of reading.

Books are really my friends, nor that I so do not like how to spend time with them. In books, I find many useful tips and various life situations, the knowledge of which, I hope, will help me in adulthood. My favorite books are: The stars are to blame, John Green, The Chronicles of Narnia, Clive Lewis and The Book Thief, Markus Zusak. I advise everyone to read them!

I do not understand some of my classmates who do not like to read, and even boast about it. Personally, my life would immediately fade and fade, would be uninteresting if I stopped writing.


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