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Keeping fit пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

why doing sport is very important for modern teenagers;

what else besides sport young people do to keep fit;

what you enjoy doing in your free time;

what your attitude to doing sports activities is.

I would like to give my opinion on keeping fit.

Generally, sport became a part of our life, as it helps us to be healthier, trains our stamina, tests our character and teaches how to work in a team.

esides, it helps us to keep fit which is very important to get ready for our final exams. I must say only thanks to it, we can be a success, active and live a long and happy life.

Unfortunately, it is not enough only to do sports. I’m absolutely sure young people should also eat proper food and avoid junk food which is very harmful. It is important to spend much time in the open air and to avoid such bad habits as smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs.

As for me, I really like sport and in my free time I enjoy playing basketball and volleyball with my friends, going to the swimming pool and playing tennis. These kinds of sports give me real pleasure. In winter I`m fond of skiing and skating and in summer I love to ride a bike and roller skate. Generally, I try to spend much time in the open air.

ecause, it's necessary for our blood to get oxygen which helps us to be more active.

As a matter of fact, I personally think only thanks to active way of life and various kinds of sports one can achieve his purpose and to get both pleasure and success, which are very important for everyone in our life.

Sport is worth doing.


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