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An email from Ben about shopping (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)



I hope you are doing well.

Regarding your questions about my shopping preferences, here are my answers:

1. Do you like shopping?

I don't hate shopping, but it's not my favourite thing to do either. I only go shopping when I need something specific or during the sale season.

2. What are your favourite shops?

I'm not loyal to any brand or shop. It depends on the item I'm looking for. I usually shop for groceries at Woolworths or Coles, clothes and accessories at H&M or Uniqlo, electronics at Harvey Norman or JHi-Fi. Occasionally, I like to visit Ikea or Spotlight for home decor items.

3. Why do you think online shopping has become so popular?

Online shopping has become popular for several reasons. Firstly, it's very convenient. You don't have to leave your house, brave the traffic, or queue up at the checkout.

Secondly, there are a lot of options available online, and you can compare prices and products easily. Thirdly, online shopping often offers better deals and discounts than physical stores. Fourthly, it's accessible 24/7, so you can shop whenever you want. Lastly, it's a safer option during a pandemic when people are advised to stay at home and maintain social distancing.

I hope my answers have given you some insight into my shopping habits. Let me know about your shopping preferences as well.

As for your news, I have some questions about your brother. How big is your brother's new flat? What is the location of your brother's new flat? What is the rent amount of your brother's new flat?

Best regards,

[Your Name]


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